Matala Pond Vac II Pond Vacuum | Legendarysale

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Matala Pond Vac II Pond Vacuum

Uses a single-chamber suction system. This means that the vacuum fills with material removed from the pond and then automatically shuts off via an internal float and drains via gravity. The vacuum will typically fill in 20-40 seconds and then discharge in 20-30 seconds. This type of vacuum is only suitable for small applications and will require some patience due to the on/off cycle.

Matala Pond Vac II Pond Vacuum Overview

Item Container Capacity Ponds Upto
Matala Pond Vac II Pond Vacuum MATPV2 - Matala Pond Vac II Pond Vacuum
$305.00 $265.00 | 200 Points

$25 Instant Gift Certificate

4.5 Gallons 3000 Gallons Add to Cart