Saki-Hikari Pure White Shiroi Koi Fish Food | Legendarysale

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Saki-Hikari Pure White Shiroi Koi Fish Food

Contains our proprietary "Hikari-Germ" a live (viable) naturally occurring microorganism (probiotic) and a uniquely blended ingredient mix offering extremely efficient nutrient utilization. A uniquely balanced diet rich in the necessary nutrients to support immune system health. Contains a traditional Japanese health food ~ extract of pickled Japanese apricot, which naturally contains Apricot- Polyphenol and higher levels of Citric Acid and support efficient metabolism in Nishikigoi, an important first step in developing desirable Shiroji (white area). Includes Milled Sesame Seed which is high in antioxidants koi can utilize and helps improve skin gloss and luster. The "Hikari-Germ" remains active in the waste making it more powder-like and easier for your biological action to decompose due to the higher surface area. Excellent for finishing the Shiroji of koi and perfect for use following Saki-Hikari Deep Red feeding

Saki-Hikari Pure White Shiroi Koi Fish Food Overview

Item Size Pellet Size
Saki-Hikari Pure White Shiroi Koi Fish Food - 11 lbs. (Medium Pellets) HK42427 - Saki-Hikari Pure White Shiroi Koi Fish Food - 11 lbs. (Medium Pellets)
Add to Cart for Price 400 Points
11 lbs. Medium Pellets (4.0 - 5.5mm) Add to Cart
Saki-Hikari Pure White Shiroi Koi Fish Food - 33 lbs. (Medium Pellets) HIK41522 - Saki-Hikari Pure White Shiroi Koi Fish Food - 33 lbs. (Medium Pellets)
Add to Cart for Price 1000 Points
33 lbs. Medium Pellets (4.0 - 5.5mm) Add to Cart