Oase BioPress UVC 1000 Filter | Legendarysale

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Oase BioPress UVC 1000 Filter

The BioPress UVC ensures a clear pond for your enjoyment and the health of surrounding wildlife. The pressure filter, with built-in UV Clarifier, is ideal for waterfalls with higher elevations. It offers mechanical and biological cleaning, and promises fast and thorough transformation of green water. The BioPress UVC is easy to operate and requires little upkeep. Filter foam and bio-media provides a large surface area for beneficial bacteria to settle. When used in conjunction with the BioPress UVC, the AquaMax Eco Classic or AquaMax Eco Premium qualify for the OASE Clear Water Guarantee.




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Oase BioPress UVC Filters Overview

Item Dimensions UVC Power Cable Length Max Flow Rate Pond Size Ponds w/Fish Inlet/Outlet
Oase BioPress UVC 1000 Filter 45451 - Oase BioPress UVC 1000 Filter
$194.99 $171.99 | 500 Points
8.9" x 13.2" 7 Watts 10 ft. 1050 GPH 1000 Gallons 500 Gallons 3/4" - 1-1/2" Add to Cart
Oase BioPress UVC 1600 Filter 40348 - Oase BioPress UVC 1600 Filter
$268.99 $236.99 | 200 Points
13.8 9 Watts 10 ft. 2000 GPH 1600 Gallons 800 Gallons 3/4 Add to Cart
Oase BioPress UVC 2400 Filter 45452 - Oase BioPress UVC 2400 Filter
$333.99 $293.99 | 200 Points
13.8 9 Watts 10 ft. 2120 GPH 2400 Gallons 1200 Gallons 3/4 Add to Cart