Hikari Hi-Growth Koi Fish Food - 4.4 lbs. (Large Pellets) | Legendarysale

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Hikari Hi-Growth Koi Fish Food - 4.4 lbs. (Large Pellets)

Hikari Hi-Growth is a powerful, supplemental diet specially developed to promote championship form in koi. Kamihata Fish Industries, Ltd., Japan's premier breeder of koi, combines over a century of experience with the latest scientific techniques to produce Hikari Hi-Growth . This advanced diet, full of proteins, vitamins and minerals in perfect balance, increase your koi's gloss and luster, as well as their overall size and weight.


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Hikari Hi-Growth Koi Fish Food Overview

Item Size Pellet Size
Hikari Hi-Growth Koi Fish Food - 4.4 lbs. (Large Pellets) HIK08470 - Hikari Hi-Growth Koi Fish Food - 4.4 lbs. (Large Pellets)
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4.4 lbs. Large Pellets (7.2 - 9.0mm) Add to Cart