Aqua Meds MedZyme DC Dry Concentrate - 24 lbs. | Legendarysale

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Aqua Meds MedZyme DC Dry Concentrate - 24 lbs.

Aqua MedZyme Dry reduces the deadly bacteria in your pond by starving them to death. These deadly bacteria live in every koi fish pond, causing life threatening bacterial infections attacking koi when they are stressed, causing thousands of fish deaths each year. Aqua MedZyme Dry consumes the same food thatAeromonas, Pseudsomonas live on and starves them to numbers so low they become harmless to your koi & pond fish.




$726.75 $699.95 (Save 4%)

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700 Worth $7.00

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$699.95 | Earn 700 Points

Aqua Meds MedZyme DC Dry Concentrate Overview

Item Size Treats Max Pond Size
Aqua Meds MedZyme DC Dry Concentrate - 1 lb. AM-AMDC1 - Aqua Meds MedZyme DC Dry Concentrate - 1 lb.
$49.99 $42.95 | 40 Points
1lb. 125000 Gallons Add to Cart
Aqua Meds MedZyme DC Dry Concentrate - 2 lbs. AM-AMDC2 - Aqua Meds MedZyme DC Dry Concentrate - 2 lbs.
$89.99 $79.95 | 80 Points
2 lbs. 250000 Gallons Add to Cart
Aqua Meds MedZyme DC Dry Concentrate - 24 lbs. AM-AMDC24 - Aqua Meds MedZyme DC Dry Concentrate - 24 lbs.
$726.75 $699.95 | 700 Points
24 lbs. 3000000 Gallons Add to Cart