Koi Care Kennel Proform-PC | Legendarysale

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Koi Care Kennel Proform-PC

Koi Care Kennel ProForm-PCis a all natural, environmentally friendly formula of selected natural bacteria, enzymes and nutrients on a biodegradable water soluble base. This pond clarifier is industrial strength. ProForm-PC can reduce bottom sludge by 70%, digest floating and suspended organic matter, improve overall water quality and clarity, and control noxious pond odors caused by hydrogen sulfide and methane gas. ProForm-PC will not harm biofilters and is safe for humans, animals, fish and plants.




$109.99 $89.99 (Save 18%)

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Koi Care Kennel Proform-PC Overview

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Koi Care Kennel Proform-PC KCK-PPC-5 - Koi Care Kennel Proform-PC
$109.99 $89.99 | 20 Points
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