Aqua Meds Sludge Remover - 24 lbs. | Legendarysale

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Aqua Meds Sludge Remover - 24 lbs.

Accelerates the removal of organic bottom solids that are slow to degrade. As organic solids accumulate on the pond bottom, they begin to breakdown releasing toxic gasses. These gaseous by-products are a danger to fish and other pond inhabitants. Aqua Meds Sludge Remover helps remove toxic fish waste, left over food and deadly gases that build up under the rocks and in the gravel of your koi pond. A big cause of pond water and fish health problems




$549.99 $525.00 (Save 5%)

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Aqua Meds Sludge Remover Overview

Item Size Treats Max Pond Size
Aqua Meds Sludge Remover - 1 lb. AM-SR1 - Aqua Meds Sludge Remover - 1 lb.
$34.99 $29.95 | 30 Points
1 lb. 16000 Gallons (2000 Gallons for 4 Months) Add to Cart
Aqua Meds Sludge Remover - 2 lbs. AM-SR2 - Aqua Meds Sludge Remover - 2 lbs.
$59.99 $54.95 | 50 Points
2 lbs. 32000 Gallons (3000 Gallons for 5 Months) Add to Cart
Aqua Meds Sludge Remover - 4 lbs. AM-SR4 - Aqua Meds Sludge Remover - 4 lbs.
$109.99 $99.95 | 100 Points
4 lbs. 64000 Gallons (6000 Gallons for 5 Months) Add to Cart
Aqua Meds Sludge Remover - 24 lbs. AM-SR24 - Aqua Meds Sludge Remover - 24 lbs.
$549.99 $525.00 | 500 Points
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