Aqua Meds Summer Blend - 1 Quart (32 oz.) | Legendarysale

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Aqua Meds Summer Blend - 1 Quart (32 oz.)

Summer Blend is an excellent summer conditioner for your filter and pond! Summer Blend will improve the efficiency of your filter, regardless of its size, by aiding in reducing the heavy bio-load during the summer months. Plus, it will give your filter the boost it needs to keep your pond water non-toxic during those hot summer spikes of ammonia and nitrite, by removing excess ammonia and reducing fish waste. Keeps your pond water clear with its special blend of unique sludge eating microbes which are 100% Natural, NO harsh chemicals or medications.




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Aqua Meds Summer Blend Overview

Item Size Treats Max Pond Size
Aqua Meds Summer Blend - 1 Quart (32 oz.) AM-SBL32 - Aqua Meds Summer Blend - 1 Quart (32 oz.)
$44.99 $39.95 | 40 Points
1 Quart (32 oz.) 5000 Gallons for 5 Months Add to Cart
Aqua Meds Summer Blend - 1 Gallon (128 oz.) AM-SBL128 - Aqua Meds Summer Blend - 1 Gallon (128 oz.)
$109.99 $99.95 | 100 Points
1 Gallon (128 oz.) 20000 Gallons for 5 Months Add to Cart