Oase BioTec ScreenMatic 18000 Filter | Legendarysale

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Oase BioTec ScreenMatic 18000 Filter

Flow through filters with biological and mechanical filtration clean and clear pond water which flows back down to the pond by gravity. Oase BioTec Screenmatic automatically separates debris using the self-cleaning screen, depositing coarse debris into the removable tray. High efficiency filter system features 3 different densities of foam harboring a variety of beneficial bacteria that remove harmful ammonia and nitrites. Qualifies for the Oase Clear Water Guarantee when paired with the proper pump and UVC Clarifier.




$1223.99 $1076.99 (Save 12%)

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$1,076.99 | Earn 900 Points

Oase BioTec ScreenMatic Filters Overview

Item Pond Size Max Flow Hose Size Outlet Filter Foams Phosless Filters Dimensions
Oase BioTec ScreenMatic 18000 Filter 42975 - Oase BioTec ScreenMatic 18000 Filter
$1223.99 $1076.99 | 900 Points
18000 Gallons 2900 GPH 1 3 8 (2 Blue 3 Red 3 Purple) Add to Cart
Oase BioTec ScreenMatic 24000 Filter 44120 - Oase BioTec ScreenMatic 24000 Filter
$1391.99 $1224.99 | 1200 Points
24000 Gallons 3300 GPH 1 4 16 (4 Blue 6 Red 6 Purple) Add to Cart
Oase BioTec ScreenMatic 38000 Filter 42976 - Oase BioTec ScreenMatic 38000 Filter
$2785.99 $2451.99 | 2400 Points
38000 Gallons 4600 GPH 1 4 18 (4 Blue 7 Red 7 Purple) Add to Cart